Tuesday, February 28, 2017

What I Ate Yesterday (WIAY)

A whole wheat breakfast thin filled with 1 egg, 2 turkey sausages, and an ultra-thin slice of Swiss cheese.

Pre-workout Snack:
I love peanut butter. I noticed this Kroger brand natural peanut butter was a dollar cheaper than the Adams Natural peanut butter (both require refrigeration after opening and stirring). I noticed the Kroger brand does not get as firm in the refrigerator which makes it easier to spread and it also means I will not be tempted to use too much. Today's workout was cardio with weights.

Post-Dog Walking Snack:
In the freezer, I have baggies filled with 1/2 banana, some blueberries, and spinach. I added in about 1 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk, a squirt of honey, and a splash of vanilla, and blended away. Now I am feeling energized!

Cottage cheese with cucumber, tomato, salt, pepper, and dried dill weed, as well as avocado toast with a little grilled chicken on top. Delicious!

Snack:  Cookies from the freezer.  I made them way back in November, but they are still good!  Here is the recipe LINK.

Dinner:  An unusual and unconventional dinner perhaps. I chopped up some leftover Oven Roasted Turmeric Cauliflower and sautéed it in a big skillet. In the same skillet, I added a few handfuls of fresh baby spinach and let it wilt. Then I moved the veggies over to the side of the pan and fried up two eggs.  I loved this meal!

Evening snacks...the crunchier the better in  my book!

I am amazed that I can eat this much delicious food in a day and still maintain my weight loss.  I am definitely eating a lot more fruits and veggies these days. 

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