Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year: Amazing Black Eyed Peas

Amazing Black Eyed Peas

I was not until I was an adult that I learned that black eyed peas are a New Years Day tradition for many folks.  I don't think I ever ate black eyed peas as a kid and I can't say I've ever cooked them in my home as an adult.  Not too long ago, my friend Harriet had me over for lunch. She was copying some recipes for me and I noticed a black eyed pea recipe in her recipe book. The recipe called for just three ingredients... black eyed peas, nutritional yeast, and Ume Plum Vinegar.  I had actually just purchased a can of black eyed peas and I had nutritional yeast on hand, so I just needed the vinegar. I found it this week at Natural Grocers/Vitamin Cottage.

The recipe as written calls for one pound of dried black eyed peas.  You cook the black eyed peas in a pressure cooker or on the stove top until tender.  To the cooked peas, you two tablespoons of nutritional yeast and two tablespoons of the Ume Plum Vinegar.  Since I was using canned black eyed peas, I just reduced the amount.

The Ume Plum Vinegar has a very surprising taste. The color is a beautiful vibrant purple and I was just sort of expecting it to have a fruity, vinegar taste.  Instead, the combination of the nutritional yeast and the plum vinegar had a rich, savory, salty flavor.  I recommend not adding any additional salt to your dish; I just don't think it's necessary.  The first time I had the black eyed peas, I had it with some left over tofu.  The second time I had the black eyed peas, I had it as you see in the photo above with steamed green beans, cooked barley, and more leftover tofu. I decided these delicious black eyed peas would be great in a Grain Bowl such as this because the sauce would season all the ingredients nicely.  I loved this combination.

Amazing Black Eyed Peas

1 (15.5 ounce can) black eyed peas, rinsed and drained
about 3 tablespoons water
1 heaping teaspoon nutritional yeast
1 heaping teaspoon Ume Plum Vinegar 

Add the black eyed peas and about 3 tablespoons of water to a small pot.  Cover with a lid and bring to a boil to heat the beans through.  Add in the nutritional yeast and Ume Plum Vinegar, cover with a lid and simmer for a few minutes. Enjoy!

I feel nutritional yeast and the plum vinegar both have very strong flavors. I recommending starting with the measurements noted above and add more if desired (up to 2 teaspoons of each). 

Happy New Year!

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