Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Vegan Banana Bread

Vegan Banana Bread

I started following a new vegan cooking blog on Facebook. It’s called “Connoisseruvus Veg”.  Don’t ask me how to pronounce that.  The logo on the blog is a dinosaur so that might give some clues as to pronunciation.  On Facebook the other day, an easy vegan banana bread recipe was posted.  Since I had three overripe bananas on my countertop, the Universe was telling me I needed to drop everything and make this banana bread.  Typically I make a vegan banana bread from a blog called “Cookie Madness” (see link HERE), but I thought it would be fun to make a new recipe.  

Both recipes are great.  I think the recipe I made this week has fewer ingredients than the Cookie Madness recipe.  Aside from that, I think the flavors are very similar.  Both recipes call for three bananas.  This is not a complaint; it’s more of an observation.  I wish banana bread recipes would reflect an actual measurement for amount of banana needed (ie. 1 cup mashed bananas).  My bananas were on the small side and I worried my banana bread would be dry.  I ended up adding in a few tablespoons of almond milk to be on the safe side. I had considered adding in a little unsweetened applesauce which I think would have been a good idea as well considering my bananas were small.

Here is the super easy Vegan Banana Bread recipe I made this week. I added in about 1/2 cup of toasted walnuts which is always a great addition in my humble opinion.

Check out the recipe here:

Sorry these are not the best photos.  The banana bread is good plain (above) and also good with peanut butter (below).  So good!

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