Thursday, September 8, 2016

21 Day Fix Update and Beachbody on Demand (BOD)

The "before" photo was taken June 6, 2016, and the "after" photo was taken September 6, 2016. 

My starting weight was just under 160 pounds and my ending weight is just under 140 pounds (138-ish).  My goal is to keep the scale from touching 140 pounds, but it's not just about the number on the scale and I have to keep reminding myself of that.  I am also striving to do a better job drinking more water every day and I also need to keep up the exercise. 

There's part of my brain that says, "weight loss... done!"  But the reality is that once you get to your goal weight, you simply are NEVER DONE.  I've changed the way I eat and exercise dramatically in the past three months and I have to keep on keeping on. 

The 21 Day Fix Program has been a great program for me.  It may sound very cliché, but I really do look at food in a whole new way.  I am still pretty much following the 21 Day Fix Eating Plan, which focuses on clean eating and well balanced eating.  I have these plastic colorful food containers and I portion my food using those containers.  Now that I am maintaining my weight, as opposed to trying to lose more weight, I get to fill some of the containers a few more times each day.  Basically, each day, I am eating 4 green containers (veggies), 3 purple containers (fruits), 4 red containers (protein), 3 yellow containers (carbs), 1 blue container (healthy fats such as cheese, avocado, and nuts), and 1 orange container (dressings and seeds).  I also get 4 miscellaneous teaspoons for things such as olive oil used in food preparation and peanut butter.

I have an "app" on my iPhone where I can keep track of what I've eaten throughout the day to keep me on track (see below).

Another thing I've done is sign up for "Beachbody on Demand".  This gives me access to the 21 Day Fix workouts I have already purchased from devices such as my laptop computer or iPhone. In addition, there are lots of free workouts in the "Member Library".  I've had fun with some of these workouts; my favorite program is called "Rockin' Bodyl" and the workouts are dancing.  I should say that "Beachbody on Demand" is not free. The cost is $2.99 per week, but I am using it and I am getting my money's worth. 

So there you have it. As you can see from my blog posts, I am enjoying cooking and creating new recipes more than ever now that I am focusing on healthier eating. I will continue to share new recipes and ideas; thanks for following along. 

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