Thursday, March 14, 2013

Brownie Cookies


I found this recipe on a blog I like called "An Oregon Cottage".  I love this blog... gardening, cooking, baking, decorating... a blog filled with creativity! The recipe calls for making a peanut butter and powdered sugar filling and layering that between two cookies.  Possibly due the high altitude where I live, my cookies were much thinner than the cookies on the site where I found the recipe.  My husband and son tried the cookies and said they are awesome.  I decided to forgo the creamy peanut butter filling; why mess with a good thing, right?    I think I could make my cookies a big thicker and firmer if I added about 1 tablespoon more flour.  I also think some toasted, chopped walnuts would be great in these cookies.

The recipe link is HERE.  If you go check out this blog to check out the cookie recipe, take a look around.  I bet you'll be inspired!

1 comment:

Coloradomom said...

These look SO good!